Monday, August 16, 2010

Xp antivirus and windows vista?

My computer has the xp antivirus 2008! I have already gone and uninstalled it and for everyone who knows it will not uninstall. Everything I have tried says it will only remove on the windows xp. I have windows VISTA and I need something that is free. If you know anything that can help please let me know!

Xp antivirus and windows vista?computer repair

CCleaner: is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) Also Uninstall Programs.

Get it here:

Start it %26gt; Click on tools %26gt; You can remove, Delete, Or Uninstall... or all three.

Xp antivirus and windows vista?free antivirus

avast anti virus
Both AVG antivirus

or avast antivirus

are free, although AVG has some features that Avast does not have like an anti-root kit.
Check the link below- read through the page, and download.. then register it via mail as they ask. This is a great scanner. It runs at boot up, and does a complete scan. LET IT RUN! You won't be disappointed. You can however read reviews, and lets see what other options you get here. Not many out there that cost 'free'. Found few that are effective w/ Vista so far. Most of things for XP won't go over to Vista. Firewalls for example. Jeez!

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