Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What is a good antispyand antivirus software?

I have a trogan virus in my computer i restored the computer in safe mode and it did not fix it I need to know if ther is a free antispy and antivirus out there that can help me .I am a little scared to down load anything due to the problem taht i am having with the computer Please Serious replies only

What is a good antispyand antivirus software?antivirus programs

I use Spybot 1.4 for spyware, and i use AVG for virus/trojan: .......

What is a good antispyand antivirus software?computer protection

ok on google there is free spyware prog and virus prog u can download like for spyware adaware is a good one and for virus avast and avg you can also used google and do a free scan of your comp for virus as a backup to make sure u clean ther is many to choose if u used google and type free antivrus and spyware good luck if u download this prog make sure u do the updates first then scan comp good luck..
AVG Anti-Virus

download it for free at:
try Avast Anti-virus
avg antivirus free edition
most virus are spread through IE. IE is not a safe browser. you should use a more secure browser to protect your PC from virus.

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