Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Should i switch to symantec antivirus?

Hello everyone,

i'm a developer and i have all kinds of servers running on my computer. so i need really powerful anti-virus and firewall to secure my system. i've been using norton internet security for years, but it's such huuuuuge pain in the butt. i've decided to abandon norton internet security from now on and use symantec antivirus instead. most of my friends told me that symantec antivirus is an awesome choice (and i can get it from school for free). but i've never used it before and uncertain if it's suitable for me.

do you think this is the right move?

what would be your recomandation?


Should i switch to symantec antivirus?spyware removal

Symantec and Norton are basically made by the same company but NIS and SAV are geared for different users. Norton products are more home/small office oriented and can be used standalone. They get updates off the web and are more ''user friendly'' for the average person. Symantec Antivirus requires a client and server setup to get updates from so you can't just install SAV on any PC by itself unless you have a server set up somewhere for it. Other than that, it's just as effective as Norton if you are otherwise happy with it.

Should i switch to symantec antivirus?virus protection software

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