Wednesday, August 18, 2010

E-trust ez antivirus error message brings blue screen of death. Windows XP Media version.?

e-trust (now website won't let me upgrade Yahoo antivirus protection (e-trust ez antivirus) unless I pay. Windows message suggests I upgrade...Any ideas? This should be free, I think. Thanks,

E-trust ez antivirus error message brings blue screen of death. Windows XP Media version.?suzuki

If it's anti-virus you are looking for here are many free ones available that do a great job of protecting you.

One of which is here:

AVG7.5 Free



I've heard that Yahoo is phasing out it's Yahoo Anti-spyware. (didn't think they had an anti-virus prog)

At any rate, this is free, does a great job, and is highly recommended-



Use protection,

your computer will thank you.

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