Sunday, August 8, 2010

What's a good antivirus?

Hey guys, I was just wondering what antivirus programs you recommend. Right now I have AVG and wanted to switch to something. I don't mind if it is not free.

What's a good antivirus?nortin

Well, if you really want yours computer to be protected, then you have to know couple of important things.

First of all, stay away from anything that is free when it comes (to spyware and antivirus. There is a reason why they free. They are not good.

Second, to protect your pc, you'd need not one but at least three programs: an anti-virus, an anti spyware and a firewall. If you need some of the best software out there, then use Kaspersky anti-virus ( ), True Sword, which is the best program you need to protect your pc from spyware ( ) and Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro (

Dowload it and scan your pc, because these three things are the best programs you need.

Good Luck!!!

What's a good antivirus?pc security

Anti - Virus :

Anti-Virus' are a personal preference type.

You know what you want it to do and when, so you

want to look for what you want the AV to do specifically.

Some people like using FREE AV's which are okay for

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