Sunday, August 8, 2010

I need antivirus now please?

i had to restore my pc to factory settings i need antivirus i had advast but i installed this using disc and my disc drive is broken so i need to download one from the net but it MUST BE FREE

I need antivirus now please?hp

Avast Home Edition 4.7.1043:

I need antivirus now please?mcaffee to go at.
try super anti virus, its the best out of all of them and its free.
You can still download Avast for free from

AVG its free and good.
You can do either of two things. Get a free one from your server - after all you are paying to be on the Internet, and they do provide protection for your computer. It is usually with the bundle you pay for. I have and there protection package is great. but if you use it and you are not with Shaw service then it will cost around $100. But check your provider first. Or you can go to the site below.
i agree that AVG is best or pc tools will give you free downloads for antivirus

good luck
just go to

it leads to websites with free antivirus/adware etc. like avg, lavasoft things and many more
If you want a free anti-virus I recommend in order of popularity, but please choose the right one for you (install only one):

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