Sunday, August 8, 2010

How can I tell if my antivirus software is working?

Hi. After running a series of free virus/malware scan software, I get an alert on my PC, saying that the computer doesn't detect any anti virus software, making me think I have deleted the installed software we already had by accident (we have a firewall and antivirus as part of a suite). How can I tell if antivirus is still there and working properly?

Thanks in advance

How can I tell if my antivirus software is working?mcaffee

Beware of running free online software. I got a worm borer by doing this and it eventually took down my whole system. Run your regular softwear to detect anything wrong and use that as your tool. Never use anything off the Internet. If you don't have up to date product for viruses and such, go to office supply or such and buy it. Please...not on line.

The one that attached itself to my system was called Bullet Proof and it took me down. My computer had to go in the shop for recovery to the tune of $90.00. We now have McAfee. It's great!

How can I tell if my antivirus software is working?norton antivirus 2007

alright, free scans like that dont ever do the trick, in fact, more often then not free scans are virus loaded themselves. what you need is an actual physical piece of software to run in the background at all times.

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