Monday, August 16, 2010

Can anyone recommend a good antivirus software that doesnt cost too much?

I have looked at Norton and McAfee and I feel that the amount they expect people to pay is too much (around 拢40 - 拢50).

I have looked at free software but I am worried that it doesnt provide enough protection.

Does anyone know antivirus software that will scan my pc, delete any viruses, filter and incoming stuff while im surfing the net, etc, but that doesnt cost too much (maybe 拢10 - 拢30?)

Can anyone recommend a good antivirus software that doesnt cost too much?free antivirus download

AVG is Great and it's free. Just type in the search bar: AVG antivirus and select the free full version instead of the free trial and you're sorted for's really quick to download updates which are being produced all the time so even if someone was on dial-up it wouldn't take too long......everyone seems to give it a good review..

Can anyone recommend a good antivirus software that doesnt cost too much?internet security

I agree AVG is fantastic, if you want to buy Mcafee Virus scan 2006 拢3.99 from Fantastic value!!
AVG and Avast are both JUNK. I recommend active virus shield. It is the best and it is free.
RegSweep is the latest in PC error diagnostic and repair. RegSweep can do a complete scan of your entire file system and registry in under 2 minutes! All corrupt files, paths, and registry keys will be analyzed and automatically repaired so that your PC functions just as when you first purchased it, Guaranteed. Plus, the download is Free!

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